Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 27 - Magazine time

I got the giggles when Mommy turned the pages of the magazine.  We had to keep turning pages, and I laughed.... it was WONDERFUL!!  Mommy & Daddy love to hear me laugh!  :o) 

Now if only I would sleep a little better... and not wake up wide awake at 4 in the morning.  Maybe it is because I haven't been feeling well... or maybe it is because I know Mommy hasn't been feeling well. 

Day 26 - Snacktime

Since my fever hasn't really come down all that much, and it has been spiking up over 104 Mommy made me an appointment with my new Pediatrician.  She ran some tests to make sure I didn't have the flu or strep, which both came back negative.  ;o)
She said to just watch me really close and if the fever doesn't come down or if Mommy stays concerned she can always bring me back.  :o) 

Day 25 - lookin good while sick

I haven't been feeling well lately.  I've been running a bit of a fever.  It hasn't really slowed me down much... I haven't been eating like normal, but Mommy is sure that I will catch up sooner or later.  :)
You see my lip??  The table got in the way when I was climbing up on it... When will I learn?

Guess what???  I potty'd on my potty chair again today!!  WHOOTY WHOOT ME!!

Day 24 - Da Boys

Just me and my boys.  They like to hang out with me and get some advice.  They're not very worldly so I have to help them with the ladies.  I need to help em get past the yips, and they're finally learning.  I'm so proud of them.  They've even graduated the hang some food around your neck stage and they're growing so fast.

Day 23 - Coloring

I was so excited when Cousin A showed up to visit.  :)  I got to color with crayons... on the couch!!  :D  Can you believe it???  On the couch!!!  And you won't believe what cuz said!!!

Day 22 - Poncho

Hugin my bestest doggie in the whole wide world.  RIP Poncho... we love and miss you.  Thank you for letting me give you some hugs.  :)  You'll always be with us.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 21 - playdate

Today I had a very fun playdate with Miss B.  We had a great time... shared some goldfish, our drinks, and even some toys.  :) Now I have to wait for Mommy to setup another playdate.  :) 

Thanks for the hugs Miss B. 

Day 20 - Climbing

I am climbing on everything.  I love to climb up onto the table, move the chair climb on up.  Mommy gets me down... I run over and climb back up. 

Check out what I just started doing... I can climb up into my highchair.  Mommy is going to have a heart attack.... if it isn't the table, it is the high chair.  I also like move anything I can stand on to where I can get to things I'm not suppose to be getting... like anything on the counter. 

Day 19 - Rockin

I love rockin my guitar.  :)  I might just be a musical genius.  :) 

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18 - Handsome

Check out this wonderful hat we found at Gymboree today.  :)  I make it look downright handsome!!  My shirt is pretty rockin too.  :) 

I loved going out and about today.  :)  We had a lot of fun.  I took a small little nap in the car, and then hit my second wind once we got home.  :)  Mommy & Daddy had to run to the store so I stayed with "Warwie".  I had no problem watching Mommy & Daddy leave, I just waved and hollered "Bye Bye". 

Day 17 - Angel

Mommy & Daddy put me to bed, but I wasn't quite ready, so here I am trying to get my way. I want to get up and play for just a little while longer. 

Mommy are you sure you gave me my nightly yogurt?

Day 16 - Busy Day!!

All I need is a sled bottom and a hill with some snow on it.  :)  I look like I'm about to get my x-games on.  :o)  I really got my play on today, and no nap... Mommy was really hoping that I sleep VERY good tonight.  :)

Like my wonderful creation?  The bowl with the BBQ sauce from Daddy's ribs was a little close to the edge of the counter, and I'm a bit taller than Mommy & Daddy think.  It all came tumbling down!!

I had a great time with H & E during our play date/supper.  We played and had a wonderful time.  We shared some carrots... some drinks... and lots of toys.  We had toys ALL over... but we had a wonderful time.  :)  Love having playdates.  :)

Day 15 - Shake...

Tonight at supper I ate very well.  So, Mommy & Daddy ordered me a strawberry shake to go.  I got to enjoy it while sitting with Daddy and Poncho.  :) Ya'll just got to keep an eye on the straw... I like to flick drink all over.  :)

Day 14 - Shall I sit?

The dog food container has been my new favorite toy.  I will push it all around, but love to tip it over and climb up and sit on top.  Maybe my Uncle M is channeling me somehow and there is a subliminal bull riding message in there somewhere?  Mommy is hoping NOT.  :)  LOL

Today, I had a wonderful playdate with Little Miss B.  I had a great time playing, and sharing some goldfish snacks.  We played really well together and had no problem sharing.  :o)  Can't wait to play together again.  :D

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13 - Owie

I slept so much better last night. I only had one small bout of screaming, but thankfully it was before Mommy & Daddy went to bed. 

I went to see our old neighbor today.  It was great to see Mrs. L, & Ms. N.  We had a great time.  I gave away lots of hugs and a few kisses.  We might all go see her as a family this weekend.  :o) 

Tonight, I had a little run-in with the kitchen table.  Can you see the lovely knot on my head?  I didn't cry long, and I got to stay up a little later.  Mommy did put an ice pack on it for a little bit... for as long as I would let her.   :D 

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12 - My kicks...

I had a rough, rough night last night.  I woke up screaming and Mommy couldn't get me to stop until she moved me out of my room.  There is something in there that is really scaring me.  Mommy & Daddy removed an angel that Daddy had just hung over my bed and so far tonight I am sleeping... without fighting going in my crib.  :o)

Tonight at supper I have this beautiful smile to a lady walking by our table.  I was eating pancakes and bacon, and when she asked if my bacon was good... I opened my mouth and showed her that it was good.  :o)  ahahah   Mommy couldn't believe I did it.  LOL 
I took a short walk in Mommy's shoes tonight... I Love my Mommy!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11 - Slightly Rough

I had a great day today.  Mommy, not so much.

I haven't been eating near as much as I usually do.  It is worrying Mommy a little bit.  I won't let her look into my mouth to see if there are any teeth sprouting out.  My Auntie C thinks maybe I'm doing a growing thing. 
Also, I have not been wanting to take my naps like normal.  Mommy fought and fought with me trying to get me to take a nap.  I finally gave in around 4 for about an hour.  It was something.  :)

My cranky pants came on this evening though.  Mommy & Daddy put me in a nice warm bath and that helped a little.  It took some yogurt and some play for me to finally go to bed... and that was after 10.  :(

Day 10 - BIG BOY!!

Today after my nap, Mommy asked me if I wanted to sit on the potty.  I was a VERY good boy and went pee in my potty chair.  Mommy & Daddy are so very proud of me.  :o)  I have done very well at wanting to sit on my potty. 

Daddy is teaching me how to flex my muscles.  The girlie's are going to go wild this summer at the beach.  :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9 - Giraffe

I've started playing on my riding toys more.  Although, I haven't quite figured out how to scoot it, I do stand over it and walk with it across the floor.  Mommy & Daddy are in awe at how grown up I am becoming. 
Thanks Nana & Papa for the giraffe... It is one of my most favorite toys.  :)

Day 8 - Too much mealtime not enough playtime

What in the world is up with this whole meal thing. It's cutting into my play time and we're gonna have to work something out. I think it's starting to affect the hairdo. Been noticing that my hair's getting a bit wild and I think it's because of the lack of play time. I think I'm gonna have papa and nana talk to the parents and see what they can work out. I'll bribe them with some hugs and kisses (that always works :o) In the meantime, peace out to all my peeps. Holla!!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7 - Process

Mommy really thought that I was going to stay clean while eating spaghetti... ahahahah
I really love spaghetti, and me getting it everywhere is payback to Mommy from her teaching my J years ago to "wear" her sketty O's. 

Then Mommy & Daddy had to put me in the sink to clean off the beautiful orange color I had collected.  I had a great time splashing water all over the kitchen.  Mommy and Daddy also got soaked.  :)  But I'm am clean and smellin FRESH!

They are calling for snow... :)  Check me out... I got me some corn starch snow.  I had a great time emptying and playing in my "snow".  I even shared a little with my puppies... and the couch.  :)  Everything is better with a bit of "snow".

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6 - Linny & Carrots with a little ranch

I get so happy when the "Wonder Pets" come on.  I had to get Linny and run to my chair to watch.  Linny is my best buddy.  He goes with me everywhere, and even takes a nap and goes night night with me too. 
I was a very good boy today.  Mommy had an appt so I was in my car seat a good part of the day.  I did outstanding and was a very good boy.  :)  I even got in a pretty solid nap with Linny on our drive home.  :) 

After my bath, I had some fruit for a night night snack, but before I could finish I had to try some of Daddy's carrots, I loved dipping them in the ranch.  I never did finish my fruit... Mommy thinks I ate more ranch than carrot... shhhh don't tell her. 

**Tonight, I went to Mommy and told her I had to potty and led her to the bathroom door.  Mommy went to get me all ready and found that I had another explosion.  I had the right idea just a little after the fact.  She was proud of me that I am associating... will just have to work on timing a little bit. And I'm sure she is hoping that next time she doesn't get a hand full of poo.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 5 - Bubbles

I found the bubbles!!  I even talked Daddy into blowing bubbles for me.  I thought Daddy was blowing the bubbles by blowing the air out of his nose.  So, I was "blowing" bubbles too, but all I blew was a booger out of my nose.  Ewww....  I know... ya'll gotta see my not so pretty side too.  :)  Today I didn't want to take my nap, so while Mommy tried to sweep the kitchen... I had fun messing up all her piles of dirt.  :)  Mommy is pretty sure that the sweeping was a success, but I am sure it is better than it was.  :)

This is after Daddy took a break from blowing bubbles.  I had to throw a little fit.  It didn't last too long because Daddy got down here with me.  I don't seem to throw fits long... Mommy is very thankful!  :o)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 - Big Eyes

This is me sporting the new young male models collection from The Children's Place.  I love spending time with mama and giving her hugs and kisses.  We dressed alike today  :o)  Green looks good on both of us.  Everyone tell mama and daddy "Happy Anniversary".  They've been together for 5 years now and I couldn't be happier.  That's why I'm here  :o)  We're going to have a lot of fun in the coming years too.  I can't wait.

Day 3 : Full Blast

Today, I got to stay home and play with Warwie while Daddy took Mommy out for their anniversary. (early)  :o)  First I got in a good nap, so I could keep W on his toes.
I stayed up a little later than usual and then got right back up again, because I needed a snack.  :)  Mommy had forgotten to give me my nightly yogurt.  It keeps my tummy full so I can get some really good sleep.  :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2: Warwie

My Warwie is my bestist buddy. He lets me walk/lay/step all over him. Looks like it is kinda painful for him, but he's a big boy, he can take it! :o)

I'm back to my old ways... I have had my second blowout of the new year tonight. Mommy isn't sure what is up, maybe my teeth. She is really hoping that I'm not getting any part of the secondary infection that she seems to have picked up AGAIN!

I have found a favorite, FAVORITE cartoon. The Wonder Pets! My favorite character is "Linny" and she is the greatest. Mommy bought me a stuffed Linny that I love to take with me everywhere. I even like to sleep with her. While at the mall today, I saw a Wonder Pets book, and called out "Linny" to Mommy & Daddy so they had to buy it for me. (This talking thing is going to get me all kinds of goodies. :)
I'm really looking forward to spending more time and getting to know the rest of my family better this year. I'm much more outgoing now and love spending time with them. I'm a very lucky little guy so if anyone wants to come visit, you're more than welcome.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Post 1 : Happy New Year

I had a very good New Years. I got to play with my cousins. :) I got to pull them around the house by their fingers and get them to sit in my playroom and play with me.

I even started out this year with some black-eyed peas and cornbread. My Nana would be so proud of me. :)

Daddy says it's not hard to find the tough guy beefcake in this picture. Don't mess with the sweet cheeks behind me though, I'm his body guard.