Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 5 - Bubbles

I found the bubbles!!  I even talked Daddy into blowing bubbles for me.  I thought Daddy was blowing the bubbles by blowing the air out of his nose.  So, I was "blowing" bubbles too, but all I blew was a booger out of my nose.  Ewww....  I know... ya'll gotta see my not so pretty side too.  :)  Today I didn't want to take my nap, so while Mommy tried to sweep the kitchen... I had fun messing up all her piles of dirt.  :)  Mommy is pretty sure that the sweeping was a success, but I am sure it is better than it was.  :)

This is after Daddy took a break from blowing bubbles.  I had to throw a little fit.  It didn't last too long because Daddy got down here with me.  I don't seem to throw fits long... Mommy is very thankful!  :o)


  1. Awww..love the amazement look on his face!!

  2. My happy little nephew!! You are my heart Little Man!!
